16 Nov 2013

Idioms for daily use (G)

Grease monkey
A grease monkey is an idiomatic term for a mechanic.

Grease someone's palm
If you grease someone's palm, you bribe them to do something.

Grease the skids
If you grease the skids, you facilitate something.

Greased lightning
If something or someone moves like greased lightning, they move very fast

Great guns
If something or someone is going great guns, they are doing very well.

Great Scott
An exclamation of surprise.

Great unwashed
This is a term used for the working class masses.

Great white hope
Someone who is expected to be a great success is a great white hope.

Greek to me
If you don't understand something, it's all Greek to you.

Green around the gills
If someone looks green around the gills, they look ill.

Green fingers
(UK) Someone with green fingers has a talent for gardening.

Green light
If you are given the green light, you are given approval to do something.

Green thumb
(USA) Someone with a talent for gardening has a green thumb.

Green with envy
If you are green with envy, you are very jealous.

Green-eyed monster
The green-eyed monster is an allegorical phrase for somebody's strong jealousy

A greenhorn or someone who is described simply as green lacks the relevant
experience and knowledge for their job or task

Grey area
A grey/gray area is one where there is no clear right or wrong.

Grey Cardinal
Someone who is a Grey Cardinal exerts power behind the scenes, without
drawing attention to himself or herself.

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