16 Nov 2013

Idioms for daily use (V)

Vale of tears
This vale of tears is the world and the suffering that life brings.
Velvet glove
This idiom is used to describe a person who appears gentle, but is determined
and inflexible underneath. ('Iron fist in a velvet glove' is the full form.)
Vent your spleen
If someone vents their spleen, they release all their anger about something.
Vicar of Bray
(UK) A person who changes their beliefs and principles to stay popular with
people above them is a Vicar of Bray
Vicious circle
A vicious circle is a sequence of events that make each other worse- someone
drinks because they are unhappy at work, then loses their job... 'Vicious cycle' is
also used.
Virgin territory
If something is virgin territory, it hasn't been explored before.
If you do a volte-face on something, you make a sudden and complete change in
your stance or position over an issue.

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