16 Nov 2013

Idioms for daily use (P)

Patience of Job
If something requires the patience of Job, it requires great patience.
Pay on the nail
If you pay on the nail, you pay promptly in cash.
Pay the piper
When you pay the piper, you have to accept the consequences of something that
you have done wrong or badly.
Pay through the nose
If you pay through the nose for something, you pay a very high price for it.
Pay your dues
If you have paid your dues, you have had your own struggles and earned your
place or position.
Pecking order
The pecking order is the order of importance or rank.
Peeping Tom
A peeping Tom is someone who tries to look through other people's windows
without being seen in order to spy on people in their homes.
Pen is mightier than the sword
The idiom 'the pen is mightier than the sword' means that words and
communication are more powerful than wars and fighting.
Penny ante
(USA) Something that is very unimportant is penny ante.
Penny pincher
A penny pincher is a mean person or who is very frugal.
Penny wise, pound foolish
Someone who is penny wise, pound foolish can be very careful or mean with
small amounts of money, yet wasteful and extravagant with large sums.
People who live in glass houses should not throw stones
People should not criticize other people for faults that they have themselves.
Pep talk
When someone gives you a pep talk it is to build you up to help you accomplish
something. In sports a coach might give a player a pep talk before the game to
bolster his confidence. At work the boss might give you a pep talk to get you to
do a better job.
Perfidious Albion
England is known to some as perfidious Albion, implying that it is not
trustworthy in its dealings with foreigners.
Perish the thought
Perish the thought is an expression meaning that you really hope something will
not happen.
Pet peeve
A pet peeve is something that irritates an individual greatly.

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